How Can Workers Stay Safe Against UV Rays?
Gardeners, construction workers, roofers and all the other industrial workers spend long hours working outdoors and in extreme sunlight. But, this sunlight could be a threat for eyes and without UV eye protection they are putting themselves at risk. Understanding the Threat UV rays can’t be seen with naked eyes and there are three types of rays UVA, UVC and UVB. Thus, it is sometimes problematic for the workers to find out when the protection from UV rays is required. It is true that UV rays are not affected by sunlight or by the temperature. You can’t see or feel UV rays and workers who work outdoors aren’t aware of the risk. The studies have revealed that UV rays in a minimal and controlled form could be beneficial. This can only happen, if the workers wear the right type of UV eye protection sunglasses. With high quality goggles, the workers would be able to gain the benefits of controlled UV rays and can work more effectively. The best...